184 resultis
Item no. 510204
Price per sqm.
Please notice that a registration fee of DKK 2,475.- will be added to the price.
Item no. 240210
12 mm soft subfloor.
The price is per square meter.
Please note the length and width of the stand under "Comments" during check-out.
Item no. 210601
Subsequent drain, apiece, placed indoors
Item no. 220201
Standard bar pressure: 8 bars.
If another bar pressure is requested, please state this under 'Comments' on the complete order.
Please remember to order the need of litre pr. minute. Learn more below.
Item no. 210801
To rent exhaust hood etc., please contact Technical Service at teknisk@mch.dk
Item no. 210401
Subsequent water connection, apiece, placed indoors.
All prices are excl. Danish VAT